Monday, February 4, 2008

pretty background picture?

hey gang. i noticed some of you have pictures behind your title or don't have a title and just have a picture in that top section....can someone tell me how to add a pretty picture behind my title?
thank you kindly

i told my roommates we played "tackle the teacher" in class today, their facial expressions were pretty priceless

1 comment:

::: NaPpYCo. ::: said...

Hi Erin, So about that background picture. I figured it out!
1.) click on the "Customize" link in the very tip top right-hand side of your screen.
2.) Then under the "Page Elements" section, click on the word "edit" inside the "Header" square on your page layout screen.
3.) A little pop up screen will open. One of the choices shown in that window is "Image".
That's where you can add your image, either from a link on the web or upload your own pic.

Hope this helps!
Nicole ^^_