Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tracking the Postcards

So after convincing the lovely staff at the US Postal Service that I was not a crazy person they told me that basically the postcards on route to the East Coast would be traveling via truck. All other US bound destinations would travel by airplane as would the cards going to Taiwan and Portugal except for Portugal which may or may not go by boat, the woman did not know. All the cards are still currently in New York but as of tomorrow morning their adventure will begin.

1 comment:

laçin t. said...

Hi, I've come cross this blog of yours while looking for accounts on space/place/history for one of my classes and I liked what I read very much, but I see that you've taken a long break. Why don't you write posts anymore? Reading about your final project and your notes on social history of places were fun and quite inspiring... I hope you start to post your news in this blog-space soon again!